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Lyrids Folk Dance Festival 2016 Registration deadline extended! Register by Monday, April 11 to include meals. Website registration will be disabled on April 12. After that, dropping-in for individual sessions will still be possible but meals not guaranteed. See all the prices here. Thank you to those who are already registered.
Do you have a club banner or other decoration for the festival? Please let Chrisanne know. It is best for the decorations to arrive at the hall early on Friday.
A huge variety of items will be for sale at the festival market. Please let Jane know if you have items to donate or to sell on consignment. Remember to bring cash so you can buy! Credit cards will also be accepted for a small fee.
Descriptions for the drumming and singing workshops are available now on the website. Scroll down; they are after the folk dance instructor descriptions.
Set lists for Orkestar RTW are posted on the website. Scroll down for the lists. They are taking the time to learn dances that will be taught by Roberto at the festival. Thank you RTW! Do you have a link that would be good to include here? Let me know!
Playlist voting extended up to and including April 11. Then we will busily compose the recorded dances playlists for the weekend. Mahala Mori Shej and Bavno Oro are currently in a tie for most popular dance! Want to vote, but don’t know how to set that up? Let me know!
Roberto Bagnoli, George & Irina Arabagi have all agreed to allow a Quickie DVD to be made available to all festival attendees. These can be ordered at the festival for $15 each. They are also bringing their own DVDs and CDs. Another good reason to bring cash!
The 2016 dance syllabus will be emailed soon to all festival registrants. Please respect the instructors’ intellectual property and do not share. Dance directions for festivals 2014 and 2015 are now posted on the website.
Also remember our pre and post festival events. Before the festival, Roberto Bagnoli will be teaching 7-10pm on Tuesday, April 19 in Burnaby, and 7-10pm on Thursday, April 21 in Surrey. These events are $10 each. After the festival, on Sunday evening, is the After-Party which includes dinner at Dale’s house in Surrey. Roberto will be there! RSVP please. Suggested donation $10. Donations are given to Roberto. Dinner is my treat. Attendance limited to 40 people. Want to contribute to the dinner? Bring desserts, wine, and other beverages.
All these items and more will be for sale at the festival shop.
This year, I am posting all festival emails to the News tab of the website. Check out the previous emails for all the details!
Happy Dancing!
Dale Adamson Chair of the Lyrids Folk Dance Festival Committee, Burnaby International Folk Dancers.
Please forward this email to all your folk dance friends! Comments and suggestions are always welcome.
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