The Story of Kitka by Vania Zaharieva-Аlexieva

Celebrating 20 years of Bulgarian Folk Dance and Music in Vancouver, this 2023 documentary consists of four 7-8 minute parts. You can find all of them in this YouTube playlist:

The videos are in Bulgarian with English subtitles, and capture the vibrant community spirit. Happy birthday to our enthusiastic community!

People’s Choice Award about Kitka by Ky Kim

Created a few years ago by high school student Ky Kim for the Danceador festival in San Diego, this video, which won the People’s Choice Award, features the magic of Bulgarian Folk Dance presented by the talented musician Konstantin Bozhinov:

I am genuinely delighted that these videos will have the opportunity to reach a new audience, introducing more friends to the captivating world of Bulgarian Folklore.

Vania Zaharieva-Alexieva