Lyrids 2020 Festival Information

registrations received!

2020 Lyrids Meteor Shower

In 2020, the Lyrids will peak on the night between Apr 21–22. The Lyrids are created by debris from comet Thatcher, which takes about 415 years to orbit around the Sun.
Considered to be the oldest known meteor shower, the Lyrids are named after constellation Lyra. The radiant point of the shower, the point in the sky where the meteors seem to emerge from, lies near the star Vega, one of the brightest stars in the sky during this time of the year.

Video Policy

Please remember that the festival will be video-recorded and by registering for the festival you are agreeing to be video-recorded. We ask that you not do any video-recording yourself to protect the teachers’ intellectual property.


You are welcome to take photos. Please help fill our photo album by submitting your excellent photos after the weekend.


Please keep in mind that some dancers are sensitive and/or allergic to perfumes and scents. Please do not use any perfumes or fragrances.