Lyrids 2025 Fees

Fees for the full weekend are $300. Full Weekend Registration includes everything: all workshops, Saturday lunch, Saturday dinner, Sunday lunch, plenty of snacks, and all the dancing! Last day for registration which includes meals is April 30.

Part-time registrations will be accepted but to encourage full participation, priority will be given to full weekend registrations, and an early-bird discount for the full weekend ($275) is offered until April 1.

Want to volunteer? Please contact us.
Need a scholarship? please contact us.

Everyone will be expected to help where needed – for example, moving tables before and after meals.

Summary of fees (Canadian funds; US checks accepted; USD full-weekend pricing)

Full Weekend $300 ($275 until April 1)
Full Weekend USD Price US$220 (US$200 until April 1)
Friday Evening Party 6pm to 10:30pm $35
Saturday 8:30am until 5:30pm (Includes Lunch) $130
Saturday 8:30am to 11:50am (ends before lunch) $55
Saturday Lunch 12pm to 1pm $22
Saturday Afternoon 1pm to 5:30pm $55
Saturday Evening Party 6pm to 11pm (Includes Dinner) $65
Saturday Evening Party 7pm to 11pm $35
Sunday 9am to 3:30pm (Includes Lunch) $85
Sunday 9am to 11:50am (ends before lunch) $35
Sunday Lunch 12pm to 1pm $22
Sunday Afternoon 1pm to 4:30pm $30
Printed Syllabus of Zeljko’s & Joe’s dances
(Digital Syllabus is FREE)
Videos & Music for Zeljko Jergan’s dances $40
Videos & Music for Joe Graziosi’s dances $40

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Our cancellation and refund policy has been designed to ensure that the Lyrids festival is sustainable into the future while being sensitive to each individual’s reason for withdrawing his or her registration.

For cancellations 10 days or earlier than the start of festival: Full refund.

For cancellations within 10 days of the start of the festival:

  1. For health reasons: Full refund.
  2. You are encouraged to find someone to come in your place, or
  3. With the exception of any funds already spent specifically for you ($80 for all the meals), refunds will be granted.

At your discretion, your allocated refund will be gratefully accepted as a donation toward operating expenses.

The festival is run by volunteers, and budgeted on a “break even” basis. The more lenient policy for health cancellations is meant to keep everyone safe. We know that the folk dance community understands the risks of putting on a festival and will honour our needs as best they can.

If you feel unwell, please do not attend. Thank You!