Past Festivals’ Dances

Day taught Dance Name Country Formation More info (and hints about which dance it was)
La Farandole France open circle formation shifts from line to twos, fours, eights, …
Terkishe Freilach Moldova, Romania closed circle Jewish
Cazino Muntenia, Romania individuals Rom (Gypsy)
La fee des dents (The tooth fairy) Québec couple waltz mixer, starts facing partner
Hora lui Colea Dobrogea, Romania open circle “banana” steps
De secerat Maramures, Romania circle harvest women’s dance
La berceuse valsée (the lullaby waltz) Québec couple waltz mixer, dancers start side by side
Hodoroaga din Bran Transylvania, Romania open circle dance with leaps counted from una to zece
P-a lungu Lapus, Romania line of couples longways set
Cazino (steps added)
P-a lungu (steps added)
Jocul mosilor Maramures, Romania closed circle “old man” steps
Arnauta Romania (Albanian) open circle 2nd step like Chikulata Chikita chorus
Hora din Tudora Botosani, Romania closed circle, women’s dance includes swaying to right and left, with stamps
Hora din Humor Bucovina, Romania closed circle diagonal right in, to the left, diagonal left out
Cazino (steps added)
Hora evreiasca Moldova closed circle very simple, no teaching necessary
Cazino (steps added)
Tres Deseos Latin “two by two” in circle five figures, including no-touch grand chain to change partner
Circular Brazil individual, in a circle includes free style steps